France’s Prime Minister, Jean Castex, has introduced to its citizens Destination France, a ten-year plan, with a budget of €1.91 billion intended to rebound and transform the hard-hit by the pandemic tourism sector.
The announcement was made in a visit to Amboise, during which the Prime Minister also said that France will become the world’s leading sustainable tourist destination by 2030. Moreover, the decade-long plan intends to include two main goals:
sustainably establish France’s place as the world’s leading tourist destination
regain first place in terms of tourism revenue
“We want to conquer and reconquer talent. There’s an increasingly strong desire for sustainable tourism.” France also needs to offer “higher quality” tourism, which will require digital investments,” Castex said.
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The budget will include the renovation of hotels, cafes, restaurants, and other buildings in order to make them more sustainable. Moreover, the government intends to make transportation more eco-friendly by boosting bicycle tourism. In addition, France will facilitate rules that aim to bring more investments in the tourism industry and make jobs in the sector more desirable, reports.
The plan has been developed by the Secretary of State of Tourism, Jean-Baptiste Lemoyne, and the Minister Delegate of SMEs, Alain Griset. It includes four key points such as the conquest and reconquest of talents to recover the labour shortage tourism is facing, bolster the resilience of tourism and achieve a surge in quality, add the environmentalist transformation to the sector and preserve and highlight heritage through local support to communities.